FAST and robust

The difference with ThinHost® is that all your IT runs in the Cloud - and that means everything runs FAST. ThinHost® will not slow down over time like a PC does, nor will it get a virus, nor will it break down.

Easy to use

ThinHost® is really easy to use because there’s nothing new for people to learn... it looks and works just like a PC. Inside ThinHost® you have the same software programs everyone’s familiar with (Microsoft Word, Outlook etc), any of your own programs (e.g. an accounting package), and your company shared drives (used for storing files you wish to share with other staff). And, of course, you will be able to print as normal.


With ThinHost® all your IT will be in one convenient and secure place, the Cloud. This means you can get to it quickly and easily from anywhere. You can login from your PC, Mac, iPad, Smartphone... pretty much any device that can connect to the Internet. Many people feel utterly liberated and resolve never to lug a laptop around again!


  • FAST: because it’s in the Cloud
  • Easy: because it looks and works just like a PC
  • Convenient: because you can log in from anywhere
  • Reliable: because you can’t break it


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